Sunday, 15 November 2015

Resepi nasi daging

Today 15 nov, feelling a bit malas to cook. Tapi perut berbunyi2 minta di isi. Kepala pun dah start pening2 sebab tak makan. So nak tak nak kenala cook something to eat. Since mmg malas nk masak untuk lunch and nanti dinner kena masak lagi so thinking to cook beriani. Ok2, guna pek segera je.
Tetapi malangya rempah dah expired. 😓😓

Tiba2 dapat idea nak masak nasi daging. Kebetulan daging ada banyak lagi, so try to goggle resepi and Alhamdullilah 90% of the bahan2 dah ada dkt rumah. So boleh la proceed. 😅 and of course with a little bit of modification since the bahan takde 100% kan.

So resepinya ialah:

Beras 2 cup (basuh dan toskan)
Daging 200 gram
Serbuk rempah sup adabi half packet
Susu cair 150ml (agak2)
1sudu ghee
Kulit kayu manis
Bunga lawang
Buah pala
Bawang putih
Bawang merah
2 sudu sos tomato/puree
Garam secukup rasa

Rebus daging bersama rempah sup. Air rebusan digunakan untuk masak nasi, so jangan la buang air tu yea.
Selepas daging lembut, dalam periuk yang lain panaskan periuk dan tumiskan ghee bersama bawang putih, bawang merah dan juga rempah 3 serangkai tu. Bila dah naik bau, masukkan tomato puree (saya gunakan sos tomato je).
Kemudian masukkan susu cair dan tuangkan daging bersama air rebusannya. Kalau air rebusan tak cukup, bole tambah beef stock ataupun air biasa, yang penting sukatan air hendakla mengikut beras tadi, nanti nasi mentah tak sedap. And lastly letak beras yang di toskan tadi. Sekarang tunggu nasi masak. Jangan lupa tambahkan garam dalam nasi tadi! Siap!!

Sedap dihidangkan dengan air asam dan papadom. 😄😄

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

My HSG test

#suspended draft (2nd sept)

Last week finally i decided to take the test! Made an appointment with the hospital, and there you go on the 9th cycle they scheduled me for the hsg test. For the whole week,  my heart beat keep on racing whenever i think of the test, i really did not confident of myself whether i can go through the test or not. Keep on reading other people experience made me nervous but at the same time somehow it gives me courage to do the test. So yeah last friday i did the test!

I guess many of the blog writers are right. Different people, different experience. The procedure is almost the same with pap smear test except that after they insert the speculum they will inject the ink which many people complaint its hurt the most. While they injecting the ink the doctor keep on ask me to relax until at one time i think i feels so sleepy and want to take a nap.

Yes actually i can feel slight pain when they inject the ink, but the pain is bearable compared to my monthly sengugut pain. After inject the ink the doctor asked me to move upwards as the xray machine is located in the middle and as i move they allowed me to straighten mg leg, so i feel more comfortable and relax. And i think more ink are injected and i can feel like the pain become stronger. But to make sure they can take a clear picture and i dont have to go through this again i keep on calm until the end.

As i was so nervous before the test i did not take any breakfast, so right after test i grab some food when i reach home. An hour later suddenly i felt my stomach hurt so much, i cant move and i cant sit still. I tried to lie down and have some sleep, but the pain is still there and nothing much i can do except cry out loud. At the same time i also feel nause that finally i throw out whatever i have for my breakfast. Its tiring and i feel weak, i tried my best to take a nap but i just couldnt. So i lie down, close my eyes and pray the pain will go away. After 2 hours of miserable pain that i wish i dont take the test finally the pain slowly going away.

I still can feel the pain for the whole day, when i walk i need to bend my body a bit, i cant get up from my bed without help and for the whole day i did nothing except rest. 😢 thats my story. The end. I hope i get good result from the test.

Last, but not least.. Thank you dear husband who prepared meal for me on that day. 😁